Some work performed for public commissioning


Structural modelling for verification the structure called the Church of Cemetary in the City of Siracusa – Italy.
Assignment of Arch. Massimo Bovo, from the City of Siracusa  – Italy

Commissioned: Arch. Massimo Bovo – Siracusa – Italy



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Structural design of the cover steel of the main stand Stadium “Nicola De Simone” in Cuella Lion Square in Syracuse – Italy.

Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa – Italy





teatro greco

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Greek Theatre Siracusa – Italy

INDA  – Fondazione ONLUS – Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico – SIRACUSA (SR) – Italy

Steel structures for sets of shows – Prometeo di Eschilo –  Baccanti di Euripide – Uccelli di Aristofane

Scemography – OMA Studio –  Rem Koolhaa

Studio OMA

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Design of demolition of the concrete cover of the Stadium main “Nicola De Simone” in Cuella Lion Square in Syracuse – Italy.

Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa – Italy


Work assignment of Management and design works of the consolida­tion on the Building sector No. 3 of the block between lanes 2 and 3 in Via della Giudecca, the island of Ortigia in Syracuse. Coordinated by Prof. Mr. Braga and Prof. Monti University La Sapienza University of Rome, Prof. Mr. Liberatore Uni­versity of Basilicata, Mr. Scalora and Mr. Catania with function of the parent company in assignment with the Arch. Francesco Cavarra and The Geom. Francesco Meli

Commissioned: Comune di  Siracusa – Italy – Department of the Protezione Civile


Work assignment of Planning sy­stem electrical and lighting for Works of restoration of Ramparts Forte Vigliena and San Giovannello in Syracuse – Italy.

Soprintendenza ai beni culturali ed ambientali di Siracusa – Italy.

Structural design of the scales Steel safety in the Palace Sports in the draft of Fire Prevention in the area of Siracusa Akradina, on behalf of the designer Ing C. Paguni.

Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa – Italy


Report for the geotechnical design of the necessary works rehabilita­tion and defense of S.S. 122 Agri­gentan affected by instability of lan­dslide origin between the Km 59 +500 and Km 62 +000 “for sizing works of art.

Commissioned: Dipartimento A.N.A.S delle Sicilia – Italy.


Assignment of structural design and systems of work Restoration and conservation of the building Archdiocese in Syracuse on behalf of the Presidenza della Regione Si­ciliana – Palermo – Italy


Structural modelling for verifica­tion the structures of the structure called the Bell Tower Church of San Pietro in Modica, in the Province of Ragusa – Italy.

Assignment of Arch. Enrico Reale, tecnico incaricato da Presidenza della Regione Siciliana – Palermo – Italy. In assignment with Ing. Calo­gero Paguni.

Design of prevention fires of the Sports Hall Syracuse ,Akradina locality, in collaboration with Ing. C. Paguni on behalf of the City of Syracuse – Italy.

Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa – Italy


“Elimination of crossings flush on S.S. 114 and realization connecting roads Agnone-Vaccarizzo “in Syra­cuse in collaboration with Eng. C. Paguni, in the calculation works of art (No. 2 bridges Steel light 40 m and n° 1 prestressed concrete overpass light 32 meters with its foundation works on poles) and various supporting structures, on behalf of the Province of Syracuse – Italy.

Commissioned: Provincia Regionale di Siracusa – Italy


“Consolidation with micro and tie-bulbate foundations, wall side of the South-West-Castle of Fre­derick Augusta” in collaboration with Ing. C. Paguni on behalf of the Soprintendenza ai beni cul­turali ed ambientali di Sira­cusa – Italy.


“Topographic surveys, geological surveys and geotechnical for de­sign of the necessary works reha­bilitation and defense of S.S. 122 Agrigentan affected by instability of landslide origin between the Km 59 +500 and Km 62 +000 “in collaboration with Eng. C.Paguni for sizing of works of art on behalf of the Dipartimento A.N.A.S della Sicilia – Italy

“Topographic surveys, geological surveys and for the geotechnical design of the necessary works the restoration of the riverbed and to the defense of S.S. 115 “South We­stern Sicilian “at Km 398 +150 m, (divided into three bays with light of about 20.00 m and allows cros­sing the creek Mortellaro). In colla­boration with Eng. C.Paguni for si­zing works of art (Walls, shoulders and bridge decks) for account

Dipartimento A.N.A.S della Sicilia – Italy.

Project maintenance, comply with Legislation Lega Pro and preven­tion system fire Stadium “ Simone De Nicola” in the Lion in Cuel­la square collaboration with the Geom. V. Gugliotta.

Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa – Italy



Design for the restoration and maintenance extraordinary histo­rical portal and the historic gran­dstand of Stadium “Nicola De Si­mone” in the Leo Cuella square in collaboration with the Surveyor. V. Gugliotta.

Commissioned: Comune di Siracusa – Italy

Assignment for the extraordinary maintenance Project and distribu­tion function of the building owned by the Chamber of Commerce of Syracuse – Italy.

Camera di commercio di Siracusa – Italy