Some work within photovoltaic
Assignment for the design of metal structures needed for the creation of a plant from 993.6 kWp photovoltaic Integrated Agricultural Greenhouses On A Website Ramacca In Contrada Iannarello Sheet 104, 315 Referred Part.Lla “Elettronika”
PROMEC s.r.l. C.da Fondovia 96018 Pachino (SR) – Italy
Design for the construction of metal structures necessary for the construction of a photovoltaic plant from 993.6 kWp integrated greenhouses on site in Ramacca Contrada Iannarello called “Econika”
PROMEC s.r.l. C.da Fondovia 96018 Pachino (SR) – Italy
Design for the realization of n ° 4 greenhouse structures with partial coverage PV, to be erected in Contrada Carrata, Pachino (SR) San Luigi s.r.l.
PROMEC s.r.l. C.da Fondovia 96018 Pachino (SR) – Italy
Design for the construction of Serra with a partial coverage Photovoltaic, called “OLIVE” to be erected in Contrada Albanello, Ispica (RG) – Italy, owned by Mr. Carmelo Giannuso
Sig. Carmelo Giannuso
Commission for the Project for the construction No. 8 of solar greenhouses steel to support photovoltaic panels, to be erected in Contrada Imperatore, Ragusa (RG) – Italy, Property Agricultural Society of Arts Garden Energy S.r.l.
T.I.Me S.P.A. Via Luigi Spagna, 50 96100 Siracusa (SR) – Italy
Project for the construction of two types of Solar Trackers 6x6m2 and 6x8m2 to use for several wind farms in the Italian territory.
Metal Tecno Service C.da Targia – Siracusa – Italy