Some of the works in industrial environment



“Structural design of tank

Seawater intake “SEA WATER IN­TAKE” in r.c. with the use of Wel­lpoint, site in the town of Priolo (SR) On behalf of the associations temporary business Co.Ge.Ital (Priolo-SR) – Italy -So.Ge.A (Gela- CL) – Italy

Commissioned: Consorzio Snamprogetti – Foster Wheleer – Energy


Structural design and architectural substation Electrical referred to as “LC01- LC02-LC03-LC04-LC05 “in c.a, site in the town of Prio­lo (SR) for account of temporary associations business Co.Ge.Ital (Priolo-SR) – Italy – So.Ge.A (Gela- CL) – Italy e Tecnoservice (Camna­go-MI) – Italy.

Commissioned: Consorzio Snamprogetti – Foster Wheleer – Energy


“Directing the work of foundations in the AC for the “Empty” plant Vi­sbreaking (I and II step) plant “ERG OILS” site in the town of Priolo (SR) to account of the enterprise Co.Ge.Ital (SR-Priolo) – Italy.

Commissioned: Snamprogetti south


“Realization of surveying, thema­tic and typological analysis of the territory of competence, with re­presentation graphics needed for the study Feasibility dell’ETILENO­DOTTO AGIP PRIOLO-ERG PE­TROLIICAM PRIOLO – Italy.

Commissioned: 4D S.r.l – Geom. F.Meli


“Project of dismantling and remo­ving rig and related accessory parts of the platform A. Vega Modules: D1-D2-D3-D5 Camp Vega – Vega A Platform

Commissioned: IBR Costruzioni S.r.l Ing. Iannò – Italy


“Project for the construction of a manufactured in steel to use “Control Room” for an incinera­tion plant approved by Ordinance Deputy Commissioner emergency Sicily Region n. ° 83/05 in the r.c. to achieve In contrada Punta Cugno in Augusta (SR) – Italy

Commissioned: GE.S.P.I. srl -Augusta (SR) – Italy


The Design for Construction of Metal framework on the platform for attemperation located on the pipe rack PR \ April \ B between the alignments PR \ PR-1 \ 2 into the 1800’s, situated at the plant ERG RAFFINERIE MEDITERRA­NEAN spa in Priolo (SR) – Italy

Commissioned: IBR Costruzioni S.r.l Ing. Iannò – Melilli (SR) – Italy


Design for the construction of a foundation adapted to contain the installation of a plant incinera­tor approved by Order of Depu­ty Commissioner No emergency Region Sicily. ° 83/05 in the AC to achieve in a Contrada Punta Cugno site in Augusta (SR) – Italy

Commissioned: GE.S.P.I. srl -Augusta (SR) – Italy


“Design for the installation of a in­cineration plant approved Order by Commissioner delegate to the emergency Region No Sicily. ° 83/05 in the AC to achieve in Contrada Punta Cugno site in Augusta (SR) – Italy.

Commissioned: GE.S.P.I. srl –

Augusta (SR) – Italy


“Structural design of all steel struc­tures necessary for the installation of a multipurpose platform integra­ted waste for special dangerous and non- dangerous to achieve in Con­trada Punta Cugno site in Augusta (SR) – Italy. Project Architect: Aedilia

Progetti srl. – Arch-Francesco Pap­palardo

Systems design: INCICO S.p.a. – Mi­lan – Italy

Project foundations INCICO S.p.a.– Ferrara – Italy

Commissioned: OIKOTHEN


Design for the construction of two buildings in steel to be used as a workshop / storage parts plant for solidification and storage of sulfur at ENI Taranto Refinery.

Commissioned: ITING Ingegneria per ECONOVAAPULIA S.r.l

Design Detail Engineering of steel structures to support “New Pipe Smoker” for the revamping project CTE – SA1N / 3 of the North esta­blishment ERG-Central New s.p.a. Priolo (SR) – Italy.

Commissioned: SF Società

Fornitura Impianti – Priolo(SR) – Italy

ENEL thermoelec­tric power plant La Spezia – Italy.

Commissioned: Axedil srl Floridia (SR) – Italy



Structural Engineering and Design Details of metal structures for the “Plant regeneration sands” at the plant of TEKSID Creswell (NO).

Commissioned: Ing. Michele

Fazzini – Torino per conto



Design Detail Engineering of steel structures for the “shed Additives “of the plant “Sicil Cal spa” at Augusta.

Commissioned: Axedil srl Floridia (SR) – Italy

Structural Engineering and Design Details of metal structures for the “Plant regeneration sands” at the plant of TEKSID Creswell (NO).

Commissioned: Ing. Michele Fazzini – Torino per conto di FATA ALUMINIUM (TO) – Italy

Design Detail Engineering of steel structures for the “shed Additives “of the plant “Sicil Cal spa” at Au­gusta.

Commissioned: Axedil srl Floridia (SR) – Italy

Design Detail Engineering of steel structures for the “Interventions for recovery of effluents Liquid Desox “at the ENEL thermoelec­tric power plant La Spezia – Italy.

Commissioned: Axedil srl Floridia (SR) – Italy

Design special foundations, accor­ding to the Ministerial Decree Ja­nuary 14, 2008, for the realization of AUGUSTA T4 PROJECT desal­ter in the Establishment It s.p.a. Ita­lian – Refinery Augusta – Italy.

Commissioned: SB Progetti- Melilli (SR) – Italy on behalf Esso Italiana S.p.a.


Structural design according to the Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008, the structure of Steel and related foundations necessary to the positioning of New exchangers 301a-600-E / B the project of “PO­WER VACUUM FROM STORAGE “ Refineries in the establishment ERG Mediterranee SpA – Refinery ISAB – South Plant, Augusta (SR) – Italy.

Commissioned: SB Progetti – Melilli (SR) – Italy per Erg – Raffinerie Mediterranee S.p.a

Certification of the fire element metal key structural of plant AREA VACUUM 600 REFINERY ISAB (South Plant) – Priolo Gargallo (SR) of Property ISAB LTD

Commissioned : Aedifico S.r.l.—Siracusa – Italy – on behalf Raffinerie Mediterranee S.p.a

Structural design according to the Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008, to ADAPTING PROPERTY SERVICES OFFICE STORES EX NATO in the establishment ERG Refineries Mediterranee SpA – Re­finery ISAB – Equipment North Au­gusta (SR) – Italy.

Commissioned: PONTEROSSO

ENG. Melilli (SR) – Italy on behalf

Erg – Raffinerie Mediterra­nee S.p.a


Structural design according to the Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008, in SAFETY MEASURES SEPARATOR HEAT D-154 in the establishment ERG Raffinerie Me­diterranee SpA – ISAB Refinery – Equipment North Augusta (SR) – Italy.

Commissioned: PONTEROSSO ENG. Melilli (SR) – Italy on behalf Erg – Raffinerie Mediterra­nee S.p.a


Structural design according to the Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008, for the construction of an external staircase steel within the system Hydrogen SMR AIR LIQUI­DE ITALIAN PRODUCTION LTD located at the ISAB Refinery Equip­ment North Augusta (SR) – Italy.

Commissioned: Arch. Massimo


Structural design according to the Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008, the project “Noise Protec­tion Structures” for the central Modugno Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant Modugno (Bari).

Commissioned: CMIS S.r.l. Melilli(SR) – Italy – on behalf Alstom Power – Switzerland

Fire Protection Certification Fire­proof walls of the Local Made In Double Ups

In Plasterboard Wall Membrane, In­side The Point of Sale “Brico Cen­ter” In Shopping Mall “Auchan” In C.da Spalla – Melilli (Sr) – Italy

Commissioned: Brico center srl-Milano

Structural design according to the Ministerial Decree January 14, 2008, from Project ENHANCING DEVELOPMENT of VAL D’AGRI DBN GAS PHASE 2 in the establi­shment: ENI Exploration Onsho­re & Production – Basilicata – Val d’Agri – Italy

Commissioned:Consorzio BONATTI Sp.a.-IREM S.p.a – Carlo Gavazzi On behalf PPC – Power Project Consulting s.r.l Me­lilli (SR) – Italy

Structural design, tagged and pro­duction of CNC structural ele­ments 3d model – detail enginee­ring & shop drawing in TeklaStruc­tures Environment – Plant Sulfur K70 – Milazzo Refinery

Commissioned: KT Kinetics Tecnology – ROMA

On behalf PC – Power Project Consulting s.r.l Me­lilli (SR) – Italy


BIM – TeklaStructures for Smar­tPlants3D – 3d model in TeklaStruc­tures Environment – Plant Egyptian Refining Company (TAKRIR) S.A.E. – Mostorod, Arab Republic of Egypt

Commissioned: KT Kinetics Tecnology – ROMA – Italy On behalf PPC – Power Project Consulting s.r.l Melilli (SR) – Italy

Design and production-length CNC structural elements 3d model – detail engineering Environment & shop drawing in Tekla Structures – Plant USINE de LACQ – Pyrenees – France Arkema – Sekomat

Commissioned: SIM FRANCE




Design procedures for disassembly and demolition of pipelines Turbi­ne. – Biomass conversion Project (Lot 2) Centrale Thermique de Provence – Gardanne (F)Atelier de Fos (ADF)